Party: It's Wednesday, Get Wasted !
Main page > CLUB ALIBII > It's Wednesday, Get Wasted !
Upcoming: 6
Date: 26.11.2014 22:00
Address: Plot No 41/44, Ground Floor, Mon Repos Building, Behind Radio Club, Near Taj Hotel, Minoo Desai Marg, Colaba, Mumbai, India | show on the map »
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CLUB ALIBII invites you to a night of pure insanity. Get rid of your mid-week blues with our new concept "Its Wednesday, Get Wasted !"
So what are you waiting for, take a break from your tedious life and get loose, weird and of course get wasted !
Featuring : DJ VINOD (Resident DJ)
*Club Rules Apply*
Dress Code: Smart, Chic & Glamorous
For info regarding reservations/tables , call our team of promoters !
NOTE: Receipt of an Event Invite does not constitute automatic Entry. This is a Tool for getting out the word for events that occur at the Venue. Normal Commonsense Club Rules Apply & Rights of Admission Reserved With The Club. Alibii encourages Couple Entry, and discourages Stag entry. Proof of Age is Required.
Invited: Aman Jain, Aditya Wanwari, Akash Khetwani, Atit Shah, Jainam Desai, Aditya Kapoor, Rahul Khanna-Barcode, Abhishek Jain, Aditya Mehta, Amar Singh, Chintan Mehta, Chetan Ranka, Poojit Rohra, Pragyan Pittie, Misharr Rutnagar, Rohin Bachwani, Harsh Haria, Rakesh Shah, Amish Sanghavi, Naman Jain, Karan Bafna, Austin Fernandes, Kashish Shah, Krish Jain, Mohit Narang, Bharat Tewari, Asif H Solanki, Aadiraj Chadha, Rushabh Shah, Ankush Jain, Chaitanya Durve, Cusrow M. Damania, Gaurav Parikh Richboyz, Gaurav Parikh Richboyz, Kirtika Mishra, James Biaka, Chirag Jain, Oswald Almeida, Beej Lakhani Red Om, Vinod Gazghat, Abhineet Aggarwal, Mayur Sadaphule, Jinesh Jain Mumbai Clubbingparties, Darius Luis, Ganesh Mahajan, Bipin Khamkar, Govind Poojary, Christina Bharwani, Naresh Gohil, Darius Luis, Naman Jain, Gaurav Keswani, Soni Karne, Viren Shah, Anujj Chugh show more »