ComedySportz is Philadelphia’s longest running comedy show. Since 1993 ComedySportz has been enterta...
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ComedySportz is Philadelphia’s longest running comedy show. Since 1993 ComedySportz has been entertaining fans with the fastest and funniest form of improv comedy ever seen. Two teams of improvisers vie for points in a hilarious competition by playing a series of improv games, similar to what yo may have seen on TVs "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" A referee governs the action, calling fouls and keeping the match moving at a blistering pace. The audience is always a part of the interactive show, and audience volunteers sometimes even wind up on stage!
Because everything is improvised, it’s never the same show twice. And it’s clean–appropriate for all ages. Every ComedySportz match is a unique and unforgettable event! Come see why so many people come back to see us again and again.