Party: Netrunner: Constucted

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Netrunner: Constucted

Club: Infinity Games

Upcoming: 8
Date: 28.05.2015 00:00
Address: 22 Currie Street, Adelaide, Australia | show on the map »

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Party: Netrunner: Constucted

Netrunner constructed tournament on Thursday. Tournament starts at 6:15pm sharp. If you're running late please call ahead!

With a minimum attendance of 8 players, 1st prize will be a copy of Breaker Bay or entry into the Netrunner: Regional Championship, depending on stock arrival and player choice, which can be selected on the night and if the datapack is chosen, collected upon store release. To clarify there will be no playmat distributed at this tournament.

Netrunner: Regional Championship link:

It's $6 to play and there are plenty of other prizes to go around!

All datapacks stocked by Infinity Games will be legal for competitive fairness. There will be an update before the event listing the exact legalities.

There will be promotional cards and paraphernalia up for grabs! Hope to see you all here!
