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With its seemingly October 2014 debut " Ships Will Come" deliver Warm Graves , a concept album, which sees itself closely linked with content dystopian science fiction literature . It is capable of the band to create a surreal universe , whose instinctive sentiment of Energetically driving repetitive rhythm is supported , while a distant from the resounding chorus takes on the role of the lead vocal . Times when almost every product the man turns solely as an individual , Warm Graves set with " Ships Will Come" album a counter in which the collective conscious was brought to the fore . Thus arose are seven songs that are structurally linked content as well as by long fade and together develop the character of a soundtrack . Between Flaming Lips , Arcade Fire and NEU! - A comforting Tour de Sci-Fi Delic !
Minor Organs : A new act from the ashes of Dead Temple, MINOR ORGANS give us a haunting atmosphere, epic shoegaze swells and heart pounds hooks. Yes, they might just have it all wrapped up. COME FIND OUT IF THEY DO OR IF THEY DON'T. (clue - they do.)
The Bellybuttons : Fizzy pop with bubblegum garage vibes, fresh from the oven. Oven... womb... umbilical chord... Bellybuttons...
£5 8pm make it happen
Invited: Jackson Marlette, MarieClaire Lacey, John Bohannon, Robbie Smith, David Tobin, Nicholas Herd, Stuart Hales, Tony Erdélyi, Gemma Jennings, Zara Gladman, Oliver Pitt, Laurie Pitt, Stu Ken, Sander van den Driesche, Chet Harbinger, James T Mckay, Ewen G Cameron, Vickie McDonald, Ryan Drever, Alastair Headden, Corrie Gillies, Alastair Chivers, Rosena Wenonoah, Nicholas Wyatt Duke, Jamie Murray, Emex Elex, Nick Anderson, Aleks Wilzon, Janika Fuchs, Anthony Carson, Adam Stearns, Louis Cuisine, James Nash, Gareth Thomas, Kenny Love, Matthew Rozeik, Tom Jenkins, Alex Bertram-Powell, Ben Grim, Sean McDonald, Jack Webb, Nicholas Williams, David Silver, Sarah Bacom, Jem Ma, Ash Brosnan, Tony Ó Ceallaigh, Matt Ridout, Richard Dawson, Hrafnhildur Halldórsdóttir, Jnr Crawford, Olivia McDougall, Anjeli Caderamanpulle, Leyla Bragadin De Amicis, Omar Aborida, Sammy Powell, Gareth Graham, Jonny Montgomery, JP Coyle, Chris Boyd, Luwas Kuik, Paul Michael Henry, Robert Palmer, Blair Michael, Tom McFadyen, Andrew Ross, Juliane Dost, Andy Wake, Mi Ra, Julie Richmond, Audrey Tait, Jimmy Martin, Living Stone Steev, Szu Ci Roh Dhen, Sean Armstrong, Ben Brown, Glenn Griffin, Drew Wright, Demelza Kingston, Anthony Chalmers, Marwin Golombowski, Matthew Baty, Stuart Finnie, Russell Andrew Gray, Lexa Sawyer, Faheem Ahmed Rokadiya, Jewlian Deckenzimmer, Nick Ramsay, Mark Brendan Farmer, Kevin Rolfe, Adam Lynn, Andy Walters, Becky Cutler, Jack DeMarco, Russell Elder, Chris McCrory, Greg Neate, Benedict Salter, David Terry, Jenny Gilvear show more »