Main page > Suwannee Bicycle Association > IDIDARIDE XX
Upcoming: 85
Date: 25.01.2014 08:45
Address: 12 Bridge St, White Springs, United States | show on the map »
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IDIDARIDE XX is a bicycle challenge ride. It is NOT a race. It is an off-road endurance ride through woodlands along the Suwannee River. Approximately 50 miles of singletrack trails and woods roads have been linked to form a continuous route with minimum of pavement. This route has terrain, stream crossings, and distance to challenge all off road riders.
Checkpoints, Sag-stops, Bail-out Points: At several checkpoints along the route SBA will monitor progress of riders. Food, beverage and mechanical support will be available at these stations. Bail-out points are marked, if riders are unable to complete the entire ride.
Meals: Entry fee includes continental breakfast, mid-ride lunch and an after ride dinner. As well as snacks at sag-stops and post-ride party fun.
Camping: This year camping will be provided at Stephen Foster State Park for Friday night (Jan 24th). Please indicate if you have already reserved a site for Thursday or Saturday and we will try our best to accommodate your request. Also, campsites will be shared, if you wish to camp with others in your group please provide their names during registration so we can accommodate these requests as well.
Cost: Registration is $57 for non-members, $52 for SBA members
Registration: Registration is handled online, payments can be made via credit card or PayPal (even if you do not have a PayPal account). Registration will open on Friday October 4th for SBA Members (you should have received an email with a username/password) and October 11th for non-members.
Swag: In addition to the normal event t-shirt (short-sleeve this year), SBA has partnered with ChampSys to bring you an at-cost IDIDARIDE jersey. Order the cut and size of your choice at their online store using username IDIDARIDE, password SBArocks. All orders will be shipped to Jodi & Scott. We will pass them out at the event, if you want yours earlier we can work with you to have them shipped to you for an extra cost.
Staffing: A great event depends upon great volunteers. Whether you are new to the area or if you are a seasoned veteran, all help is welcomed! Ride marshals will ride the entire event, but must be SBA Members familiar with trails and must attend IDIDAPREP and IDIDACLEAN. Volunteering is a great way for non-riders or family members to participate in the fun. If you plan on volunteering full-time, please complete the registration form so we can thank you with a t-shirt! **Volunteer t-shirts cannot be guaranteed unless the registration form is filled out!
IDIDARIDE is sponsored by the Suwannee Bicycle Association, a non profit organization promoting bicycling, environmental education and appreciation of the Suwannee region. All proceeds from the event are used to develop more off-road bicycle trails and other facilities.