Party: Seahawks vs. Eagles Party

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Seahawks vs. Eagles Party

Club: The Roxy

Upcoming: 6
Date: 07.12.2014 12:00
Address: 101 W Kennewick Ave Suite 201, Kennewick, United States | show on the map »

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Party: Seahawks vs. Eagles Party

The Roxy Bar presents: The Hawks’ Fans Party -

Watch the game on our 9 ft. screen with JBL sound. Free Catered Appetizers, Free Entry

Open 12pm to 6pm

Invited: Andrew Rakestraw, Bre Bre, Adam Watters, Seth Duve, Kathy Mauer Esparza, Jessica Ramirez, Hook Glass, Harry Akers, Da Wk, Jay GarrzaComedy, Megan Marie Weber, Skimpy's Coffee, John Staten, Sergio Luna, Meredith Jones Kndu-tv, Medium Ane, Brandon Schuler, Shelly Blakefield, Stephen AtRoxy