Party: Do'souka / Maii and Zeid (visiting)
Main page > Cairo Jazz Club > Do'souka / Maii and Zeid (visiting)
Upcoming: 0
Date: 22.08.2017 22:30
Address: 197, 26th July St., Agouza, Giza, Egypt, Cairo, Egypt | show on the map »
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The 4 piece local indie pop/rock band Do'souka - دعسوقة (formerly known as Luka) are best known for their hit single ‘Hashrab Hashish’ and play memorable original Arabic tunes with Luka on vocals and shakers, accompanied by drums and guitars.
Dreamy, melodic, alternative…these are just some of the words that describe the formation that is Maii and Zeid! We’re very excited to have this delightful indie pop duo. With Zeid Hamdan visiting from Lebanon, the duo currently have a long distance musical relationship-but they make it work! It’s a rare opportunity to see this underground pair in action so don't be late!
House Rules:
-Reservations are necessary.
-Reservations are held until 10.30pm.
-Couples or mixed groups.
-Minimum entry age 25.
-Violent behavior will not be tolerated.
-Illegal substances are not permitted.
-Door selection applies.
-Doors close at full capacity.