Party: ✿✿ 2 Days Boston Trip for the St-Patrick Weekend ✿✿

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✿✿ 2 Days Boston Trip for the St-Patrick Weekend ✿✿

Club: Interstude

Upcoming: 0
Date: 17.03.2017 23:30
Address: 4441 St-Denis, Montreal, Canada | show on the map »

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Party: ✿✿ 2 Days Boston Trip for the St-Patrick Weekend ✿✿

- Biggest St-Patrick parade in the biggest Irish city in North America
- Go Green like Hulk for 2.5 days straight while discovering the beautiful town of Boston
- Walking tour in the famous universities: Harvard and MIT

2.5 Day Trip - ONLY 56 places available
175$ for a value of 234$ (Transport + day pass)
Sales are open, all info here: