Party: Starfvckers FRAT PARTY (feat. Ember)
Main page > STARFUCKERS > Starfvckers FRAT PARTY (feat. Ember)
Upcoming: 0
Date: 16.05.2015 21:00
Address: 1 Earl Place, Potts Point, Australia | show on the map »
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Get ready for on of the largest parties in Starfvckers history this Saturday, as we get wet and wild with Australia's best in a club night set to redefine the college landscape - Starfvckers FRAT PARTY!
This weekend, Undergraduate Beat Pedlar Ember joins college drop out DJs TRENTERTAINMENT, Oh Boy, snilluM & Likewise for beer pong and various other extra curricular activities that involve red plastic cups, and non-educational endeavours.
Don't miss the massive, magical & messy night of mayhem, from 9pm this Saturday. You know where.
Cheap drinks early, and $5 red cup beers all night
Join the Revolution
x SF4LYF x